Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My Puppy Dog

I have a 2 year old Lab/German Shepherd. We got him when he was ten weeks old from a shelter in Lexington (about 2 1/2 hours away). Our dog before him, "Angel", was hit by a car on New Years Day a couple of years ago. About a year and a half later my parents Finally told me I could get a dog for my birthday (July 16) but I had to wait until we got home from vacation in the middle of August. I had been looking on Petfinder for Golden Retriever or Lab puppies up for adoption in the area. Finally we got home and about a week later I went got on to see if any more puppies were available. And I found a web page for H.E.A.R.T adoption in Lexington and they said that they had lab/Shepherd puppies available and that they were having a adoption day the next day(Sat. morning and it was late Friday night) So I went to my mom and I was like "Hey mom...want to take a road trip tomorrow???":-) And we did!!
And now we have my Doggy named "Ranger". He is a VERY HUGE dog! REALLY strong. My friends make jokes saying "Amanda's dog isn't a dog, it's a polar bear!" " I could ride him!" lol
But he's my puppy dog and I love him:-)

Ranger when we got him. He was such a cute puppy!! - Don't you agree?!?!

Look at those eyes!

His football was as big as his head!! lol

He thought he was the king of the house. (Our cat did not like that!)

Sarah and Ranger, I wish he could have stayed like that!!

He's still very cute!!

laying around

chewing on something that he's not supposed to have, a daily routine.

watching the cat :-)


Anonymous said...

sooo this means your actually going to do some work with him right?? like walk him instead of having me do it every night? orr maybe bring him in from outside when he barks? hmmmm?

GrammaJelly said...

Ahhhhh! He's soooo cute! Haven't seen him since he was a puppy...we'll get re-aquainted when we come in December! Love the pics. XXOO Gram

Ellie said...

Look out grammajelly...he jumps!
He seriously is a the size of a small pony! We joke and tell Amanda that if he was actually TRAINED[:-)] She could rent him out for birthday parties.

Amanda said...

SO ERIC! I would if I could but I can't so I won't:-)

Amanda said...

To bad we can't train him! WE've tried but it's like teaching a Cow how to do ballet. It's just doesn't work. :-)