Sunday, October 14, 2007

Corn Maze

We went to "Ken's Korny Corn Maze" tonight with some other families and teens from Lighthouse. It was alot of fun.

The objective is to get through the maze as fast as you can, but there are these mailbox's through out the maze with letters (a stamp and ink) in them, and a card that you have to stamp the letters on to, so when you finish your card says KENS CORN MAZE.
You go in as group, doesn't matter the size. Each group has a flag that they have to hold up so that the workers can see where the groups are, and if something goes wrong you can wave the flag and someone will come and help you. They punch the time that you went into the maze and then punch the time that you finished the maze.

My group was Me, Ellie, Rachel, Kierra, and their friend( I can't remember her name!) It was ALOT of fun!! We had the fastest time out of all the groups from lighthouse, at 1 hour and 1 min (1:01)!! YEAH US!! Jason and my dad's group came close behind at 1:02!! HAHAH stinks for them!! most of the other groups were at the 1:20ish time.
It was cold but not freezing, as in I was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt and was fine.
Actually got a little hot from running around the maze! We went to McDonald's afterward with some of the families and got some ice cream or something to eat. We got home around 11:30ish (pm)

Ellie came over for a little while before going to the maze. So we spent the time stamping!!
I made two cards. One I really like and the other one I didn't like as much. But was pretty happy with them over all. Ellie made one card that came out really cute. She attempted to make a second card but well let's just say that she took her anger out on it in the end:-) But we had fun making them. I'll try to take pics. of them to post.

I have church tomorrow, then just hanging around. Alex and Sarah go back to collage tomorrow afternoon. Gonna have to clean my room after Sarah leaves. :-( that makes me sad:-(
I also have to start my Biology homework tomorrow, so it will be done by Tuesday morning for class:-( Yuck!

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