1. Players, you must list some fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don't have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. 2. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name facts. 3. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged.
My middle name doesn't work all that well with this but I'll try!
C-christian, H-home schooled(I love to be at home! lol:-),
I- intelligent ( I hope:-), R-really athletic~ I love Volleyball!,
S-singer (you can't make me not sing!), T- trouble~only when I'm with Ellie!/jk, I-incredible (or so I'm told :-), N-Natural blonde (all my friends would agree!), A-all over Crazy!! C-H-R-I-S-T-I-N-A I have a very long middle name
My friends really need to hurry up and get a blog so I can Tag Them!!! :-)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Mom's Birthday/25th Anniversary!
Today was mom's birthday. She turned........well lets just say she's not 20 years old any more. :-) (Love Ya mommy!)

Happy Birthday Mommy! :-)
Today was also My mom and dad's 25th Wedding Anniversary.
funny story ~
Yesterday dad had told us kids that a dozen roses were supposed to come today for mom. So this afternoon the Fed Ex guy dropped off a box with a dozen roses in it. SO us kids just expected it was from dad. and we were like....."some guy sent you flowers....do you think dad remembered?!?" (jk)....my mom read the card and it said......Happy birthday/Anniversary Beth. All my love and best wishes to you and Mark. Tony
We didn't read it very well and missed the "and" in between you and Mark. And thought it said Mark.Tony
We were like ......"TONY?!?!"
"WHO'S TONY?!?!?!"
Then mom realized they were from uncle Tony!(her brother who lives in CA)
Don't worry dad's came a little while later :-)
So mom got 2 dozen roses today!! lol
Here a picture of mom when she was in High School......I'm not going to put a picture from every year like I did for Jason...because it would take way to long to put up 47 pic.s
Happy Birthday Mommy! :-)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Jason's 9th Birthday
Monday was Jason's 9th Birthday (way too old if you ask me:-)
He had a Bowling Birthday party with some of his friends. And I went with Ellie.(it was her birthday also)(funny story about that I'll tell at the end of the post)
My highest score was 89 (without bumpers :-) pretty impressive huh? lol
We had cupcakes, chips, brownies and juice boxes. It was a pretty fun day.
Jason got a scooter/skateboard, Star War Legos, and two movies from mom and dad. He said this was one of his best birthday's :-)
Funny Story - I was at Ellie's 5th Baby doll birthday party. When Jason was born. My dad called and told me I had a new baby brother! and I said (no lie) " Oh, ok, does that mean I have to leave?"
haha, I was such an enthusiastic 5 year old wasn't I? lol
I think Ellie was more excited than I was! :-)
First year of Tee-Ball 6 yo.
Smile for the Camera! 8 3/4 yo.
( well I haven't really taken any pictures since Monday,
Friends and Lobster!
Ellie and I have been friends for 11 years, since we were 3 years old! Gee, and I'm still not sick of her!.......yet:-) ( Luv Ya Ellie!) and Monday was her 14th Birthday we both get to start driving in a year!!!! YEAH! :-)
Here are a few pics. of us from over the years.

At the Homeschool conference-1999
/ Doing what little girls do! -1997

Biker Girls! :-) Last Monday :-)
I slept over at Ellie's Sunday night. for her birthday (Monday Aug. 20th)
For dinner we went to Red Lobster to celebrate her grandmother's birthday which was on Sunday (the day before Ellie's). I ate lobster for the first time and It was GOOOOOOD!!!!! I had lobster tails, shrimp, mashed potatoes, rice and salad. It was a very yummy dinner! :-) My only problem was getting the lobster out of the shell! It was slimy and didn't look good very appetizing, But it was really yummy.
Man, If I have trouble taking apart cooked lobster, Biology will be REALLY
fun! :-) lol
The lobster tail shell...........to me it looks pretty gross! poor little guy........lol

It was Ellie's first time eating Lobster to...
we both thought it was really good!

Me and Jeremiah! (He's so Cute!)
Here are a few pics. of us from over the years.

At the Homeschool conference-1999
/ Doing what little girls do! -1997

Biker Girls! :-) Last Monday :-)
I slept over at Ellie's Sunday night. for her birthday (Monday Aug. 20th)
For dinner we went to Red Lobster to celebrate her grandmother's birthday which was on Sunday (the day before Ellie's). I ate lobster for the first time and It was GOOOOOOD!!!!! I had lobster tails, shrimp, mashed potatoes, rice and salad. It was a very yummy dinner! :-) My only problem was getting the lobster out of the shell! It was slimy and didn't look good very appetizing, But it was really yummy.
Man, If I have trouble taking apart cooked lobster, Biology will be REALLY
fun! :-) lol
The lobster tail shell...........to me it looks pretty gross! poor little guy........lol

It was Ellie's first time eating Lobster to...
we both thought it was really good!

Me and Jeremiah! (He's so Cute!)

Saturday, August 18, 2007
future life :-)
A couple of days ago Mom, Jason and I went "stargazing" over at a soccer field. We were going to go the night before during a meteor shower in the middle of the night(3am ish) But were to tired to get up. So we went the night after around 11pm since there was supposed to still be shooting stars. I saw 4 shooting stars, Jason and mom saw none (I was looking on the opposite side of the sky). It was kind of cloudy so we only stayed for 30 min.
On the way home we planned out the rest of my life :-)
I'm gonna go to Wake Tech Culinary (cooking) school. (I love to cook and bake!)
Then Jason is going to give me a lot of money that he's going to get playing professional Basketball :-) and I'm going to build a "Bed and Breakfast" (I'll be the cook/baker) After all that I'm going to wright a book called "Cooking with the Blond for the Blond" :-) people always tell me that I'm "So Blond"
So I thought that was an appropriate title :-)
O ya, I'm also planning on getting married and having Kids in all that. :-)
Pretty impressive huh? lol
On the way home we planned out the rest of my life :-)
I'm gonna go to Wake Tech Culinary (cooking) school. (I love to cook and bake!)
Then Jason is going to give me a lot of money that he's going to get playing professional Basketball :-) and I'm going to build a "Bed and Breakfast" (I'll be the cook/baker) After all that I'm going to wright a book called "Cooking with the Blond for the Blond" :-) people always tell me that I'm "So Blond"
So I thought that was an appropriate title :-)
O ya, I'm also planning on getting married and having Kids in all that. :-)
Pretty impressive huh? lol
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Starting school
This week hasn't really bean that busy.
We started school Monday morning, waking up at 8:30am!(after being used to waking up between 10-11am, BIG change:-)
We're only starting a few subjects this week- Math, Geography, History Reading (The Golden Goblet).
Next week we'll start the rest of the subjects.
I had volleyball practice Monday afternoon and again tomorrow(Thur.)
I also went to the Lighthouse Varsity Volleyball teams first game on Tuesday afternoon. My first game is next Tuesday! against Fayettteville homeschool, it will be a pretty tough game. But I'm excited. This is my 4th year playing Volleyball, I was captain last year and again this year.
Kind of just hanging around for the rest of the week, Chillin Out :-)
We started school Monday morning, waking up at 8:30am!(after being used to waking up between 10-11am, BIG change:-)
We're only starting a few subjects this week- Math, Geography, History Reading (The Golden Goblet).
Next week we'll start the rest of the subjects.
I had volleyball practice Monday afternoon and again tomorrow(Thur.)
I also went to the Lighthouse Varsity Volleyball teams first game on Tuesday afternoon. My first game is next Tuesday! against Fayettteville homeschool, it will be a pretty tough game. But I'm excited. This is my 4th year playing Volleyball, I was captain last year and again this year.
Kind of just hanging around for the rest of the week, Chillin Out :-)
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Tiring Saturday
First of all I want to say that I do not like to get up early especially on Sat. so getting up at 7am was not fun at all!!! :-(
Yesterday morning I went and played basketball over at Flaherty from 8-11am with Lighthouse(homeschool group) basketball girls. My dad went every Sat. morning this summer with Eric, Alex and Jason and played pick up game with a whole bunch of boys from the lighthouse basketball teams and so this past week the girls started playing on the other side of the court. I'm trying to decide if I want to play basketball this year, basketball isn't really my "favorite sport" And I already keep the books for the Varsity Boys and don't know if I want to spend the time playing as well. Well any way after that I went home at lunch and did some stuff on the computer. At 4pm I went to a party for some of the 8th graders a my church for an end of he year party we went to Jenny and Drew's house for a cook out(Jenny's one of my Sunday school teachers, and Drew's one of the 8th grade boys Sunday school teachers). We ate hamburgers and hot dogs, played Football in the street in front of there house, Watermelon eating contest, seed spitting contest,We also had a big water/water balloon fight that was really fun, I didn't really wet from that but after that they had made a giant "Slip and Slid" out of plastic tarps, Dawn dishwashing soap and water. They would run and slide with blow up pool toys, or race down , while sprayed with house. It was alot of fun!
When I got home and changed me, my parents and Jason went "Mall Walking" We don't in stores just walk around,It's basically going for a walk in side in the air conditioning:-) Then we went for ice cream. Over all it was a pretty fun day!:-)
Yesterday morning I went and played basketball over at Flaherty from 8-11am with Lighthouse(homeschool group) basketball girls. My dad went every Sat. morning this summer with Eric, Alex and Jason and played pick up game with a whole bunch of boys from the lighthouse basketball teams and so this past week the girls started playing on the other side of the court. I'm trying to decide if I want to play basketball this year, basketball isn't really my "favorite sport" And I already keep the books for the Varsity Boys and don't know if I want to spend the time playing as well. Well any way after that I went home at lunch and did some stuff on the computer. At 4pm I went to a party for some of the 8th graders a my church for an end of he year party we went to Jenny and Drew's house for a cook out(Jenny's one of my Sunday school teachers, and Drew's one of the 8th grade boys Sunday school teachers). We ate hamburgers and hot dogs, played Football in the street in front of there house, Watermelon eating contest, seed spitting contest,We also had a big water/water balloon fight that was really fun, I didn't really wet from that but after that they had made a giant "Slip and Slid" out of plastic tarps, Dawn dishwashing soap and water. They would run and slide with blow up pool toys, or race down , while sprayed with house. It was alot of fun!
When I got home and changed me, my parents and Jason went "Mall Walking" We don't in stores just walk around,It's basically going for a walk in side in the air conditioning:-) Then we went for ice cream. Over all it was a pretty fun day!:-)
Friday, August 10, 2007
Busy Day!
It had been in the triple digits the last couple of days, and tomorrow it only supposed to be in the 90's, yah hoo! So today I went Ice skating (something to stay cool!!) with my friends Ellie and Emily along with mom, Jason and two of Jason's friends. It was pretty fun, except that right before we got on the Ice, Ellie had to leave because my mom ran into the skating rink yelling that Ellie had to leave because her family got there referral for there adoption! That means that the adoption agency called and were sending pictures and information to them about there new children from Ethiopia. They are so Cute! I went to there house for couple of hours after Skating and hung out. That was basically my day.
Go to Ellie's blog -www.myethiopiansisters.blogspot.com to see the pictures of there two new girls and boy!
Why are you still reading?!?! GO LOOK!!!!!!!!
Go to Ellie's blog -www.myethiopiansisters.blogspot.com to see the pictures of there two new girls and boy!
Why are you still reading?!?! GO LOOK!!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Today It got to about 103 degrees out side! We had bagging food at food pantry at 3pm out side!!! Not fun. I could feel the sweat pouring off of me.....gross! we only did about 80 bags today because it was so hot. After we finished the bags we had to go through these huge bags of potatoes and put about a dozen in a little grocery bag about 80 bags again, the only problem was most of the potatoes were rotten. So we had to dig around in the bags to find any good ones and It smelled! Yah so that wasn't that fun.
It's been extremely HOT this week very uncomfortable. So now were just trying to stay cool.
It's been extremely HOT this week very uncomfortable. So now were just trying to stay cool.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Today I went to Ellie's house for the afternoon (3-10pm)
After going to the Dollar store we went back to her house and mad earings. They actually came out really pretty. We made them out of assorted beads mostly from other jewlery that they had cut to get all the beads off. I ended making 11 pairs! But gave 3 to mom for her birthday thats in two weeks, and will give a few other pairs to other people, and keeping some for my self.
That's basicily what I did today. Bekah flew outto New York to vist relatives so I have my room back for a week! YEAH!!!!
After going to the Dollar store we went back to her house and mad earings. They actually came out really pretty. We made them out of assorted beads mostly from other jewlery that they had cut to get all the beads off. I ended making 11 pairs! But gave 3 to mom for her birthday thats in two weeks, and will give a few other pairs to other people, and keeping some for my self.
That's basicily what I did today. Bekah flew outto New York to vist relatives so I have my room back for a week! YEAH!!!!
No TV :-(
So this week has been very boring. My Volleyball team isn't practicing this week because we could not rent the gym for the week before someone else had. Also My mom decided in July that we were going to do a "No TV month" for the month of August. SO right know we can't watch TV at our house until September! Since I can't watch TV I've been reading a lot..........but after a while reading can get boring!
I start school next Monday (at least the first couple of subjects), Maybe that will give me something to do..........wow it's not every day that you want to do school work :-)
The week after that T.O.G. and my Volleyball games start so after this week hopefully I won't be as bored. :-)
I start school next Monday (at least the first couple of subjects), Maybe that will give me something to do..........wow it's not every day that you want to do school work :-)
The week after that T.O.G. and my Volleyball games start so after this week hopefully I won't be as bored. :-)
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Sunday Usual
I went to church this morning, Went to "Ci Ci'sPizza" for lunch came home read for an hour, took a 2 hour nap got up, got on the computer, played a game with Jason(younger brother), Then ate dinner. Mom and Dad took Sarah back to school this morning (Bekah went with them). So today was just me, and my three brothers. Over all it was a pretty good day :-)
Saturday, August 4, 2007
So, yesterday I went to a wedding with my family, for a good friend of my oldest brother Alex. Alex was a grooms men. It was a really pretty.........small and simple. My whole family went accept for Eric who wasn't feeling good. It was an Outdoor wedding (in August) so of course it was SUPER HOT!!! You could feel the sweat pouring off you just sitting there!(not a feeling that I like:-) I felt extra sorry for the groom and grooms men standing there in full black Tuxes.
After the ceremony we went to the reception dinner and guess what!?! It was inside in the air conditioning!!!! YAH!
The brides made dresses were a a really pretty pastel lime green and the Tuxes vests and ties matched.
Over all it was really pretty!
When we got back Sarah (older sister) finished packing to go back to school (Appalachian State University in Boone,NC) the next morning(today).
After a little while Ellie called (my best friend) and we talked for a while then I went to Target with her and her mom. After we were at Target for about an hour my mom, Sarah, and Bekah(one of Sarah's friends who is living with with us this Summer) picked me up to go to 10pm movie at the movie theater to go see "No Reservations". Then on the way to the movies Ellie called me and said that her and her mom decided that they wanted to see that movie and that they would meet us there. So we kind of had a girls night at the movie. I like the movie a lot, It was really cute and I LOVE to cook. I ended up going to bed at 1am.
After the ceremony we went to the reception dinner and guess what!?! It was inside in the air conditioning!!!! YAH!
The brides made dresses were a a really pretty pastel lime green and the Tuxes vests and ties matched.
Over all it was really pretty!
When we got back Sarah (older sister) finished packing to go back to school (Appalachian State University in Boone,NC) the next morning(today).
After a little while Ellie called (my best friend) and we talked for a while then I went to Target with her and her mom. After we were at Target for about an hour my mom, Sarah, and Bekah(one of Sarah's friends who is living with with us this Summer) picked me up to go to 10pm movie at the movie theater to go see "No Reservations". Then on the way to the movies Ellie called me and said that her and her mom decided that they wanted to see that movie and that they would meet us there. So we kind of had a girls night at the movie. I like the movie a lot, It was really cute and I LOVE to cook. I ended up going to bed at 1am.
Friday, August 3, 2007
I finaly got a Blog!
Just to let you know..........I love picures..so I'll be putting a lot pics. up! :-)
I finaly got a Blog!
Just to let you know..........I love picures..so I'll be putting a lot pics. up! :-)
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