Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays! right behind Christmas...nothing can beat christmas :)
I am so grateful for the Blessings in my life. God has blessed me with a roof over my head, a warm bed to sleep in, Delicious food to eat, Awesome parents who love and provide for me, goofy siblings, Amazing friends, and his unconditional love which we don't deserve.
I hope all of you take the time to really meditate on how God has blessed you. People take so much for granted in our world today and don't realize how blessed they really are. Concentrating on what they don't have, complaining about how they don't have the latest fashion of clothing or the designer shoes and hand bags, or the newest version in electronics, or a new car, or maybe the toy they saw on a tv commercial;even though they already have plenty of toys, even little things like complaining about a long line in the grocery store. There are people all over the world that all they have are the clothes on their backs and they have to WALK miles and miles to get to clean drinking water. And here we are worrying about having the most popular items at the time, where these peoples only worry is how they are going to feed their family. So next time you complain about a long line in the store, stop and think about it, God has blessed you with with a place like the grocery store to be able to get food and supplies, he has also blessed you with money for these things. Now don't get me wrong. I am completely guilty for all these things. It just goes to show our sinful nature.How we can be so selfish and in want, when all God does is love and provide for us. Thanksgiving is a time to count your blessings. But I hope it doesn't stop there. We should count our blessings and and be thankful for what God has given us everyday of our lives. And be looking to see how we can help the ones around us other then what we can do for our selves... HAPPY THANKSGIVING :)
Please hold your aplaus till the end....The phone rang..I saw it was my I run to the phone to answer...The cat had spilled her water dish all over the floor in front of the phone.....I didn't see the water...I grabbed the phone in mid "slip" and fell on my butt..answering the phone "OWWWW"...looked down..and my nee was bleeding....yep. all in a days life of amanda.
Basketball is upon us, and I'm actually surprisingly not that sad about it! lol. Now before you get all like whaaa? lighthouse sports takes up 8 1/2 months out of the 12 months in a year! And sometimes I just want a break! But right now, I'm lovin' it! :) I'm on Varsity this year, and it's just wonderfully wonderful. My. team. is. amazing. The Varsity team last year graduated 6 seniors, and another player didn't come back. So we only have 3 returning varsity players, and then Erica and I moved up from JV ( we went to Liberty, and played some games with Varsity last year so we're not "totally" new). And we have 3 new girls. Which ends us up with a Whopping 8 players! Which when, we have players getting in foul trouble during the game, and you already are low on substitutions, well you get tired fast, but you just got to keep on running. haha. But I'm really enjoying all the girls on my team, we all get along REALLY well, and we have so much fun together. We still have somethings to work on, when on the court - i.e. communicating, making better passes, etc. We went to a Tip-Off Classic basketball tournament in Greensboro, this past weekend to start off our season. We won our first game, and lost the next two, but it was still fun. We learned a lot about what we need to work on, and it was fun just to finally get to play together in a game. We might not win that many games this year, but I wouldn't trade my team for anything. Nope, nothing. Nada. :)
some of my peeps! ...Erkle, Me, Mo, Tiff, and Faithy on the bottom..we were trying to be statues...I think. :)
My volleyball team went to the state tournament this past weekend, and it was a blast. We all played Amazingly..the best we've played all season actually. And it was just like Fantastic. :) We(Varisty) ended up getting 2nd in State! Whoo Hoo! The other teams were not expecting this out of us, and I think we kind of took them by surprise. And boy were they shocked :) Especially Fayetteville...who are basically our arch rivals...who beat us both times during the season, and came into the tournament with what I like to call a cocky head..haha. Well. we beat them. And oh was it GLORIOUS. They were so ticked at us and each other by the end of the game, and we just played above and beyond what any one was was great!! :) It's funny to see the way people act when they're not on top anymore. Friday leading up to the Fayetteville game (which was the last one of the day, at like 8pm) Fayettville was all friendly, friendly in the hall ways and gym, congratulating us when we beat another team that afternoon, and just saying hi, and good luck in the hall ways, Smiling when we walked by, whooting " yeaa goo east!" (the conference is divided into teams from the east coast and the west coast..and then the best team from each side play each other for the championship) Well. the next day on Saturday, after we had beat them the night before, They wouldn't even look at us in the hall way. Didn't say a single word to us the whole day. And then Saturday night when we made it to the championship they all cheered against us for the West team. It was all go East! go east! when they were expecting to be the top team in the East. But how quickly the tables turned, and they were whooping go West! haha. The whole thing just makes me laugh. And it really just shows a teams character...sore loser's much? :p But the whole thing doesn't really matter..because you know what?! We beat Themm...and it basically made our whole teams weekend....heck I'm still smiling about it! :) But there is on down side to the means the end of the season. So Volleyball season is over...and this does not make me happy.
Alex was home on leave from Iraq for two weeks -> :) The two weeks flew by and now he is already on his way back to Iraq -> :( The last two weeks have flownnnnn byyyy. Didn't we just pick him up at the Airport? sheesh.
But anyways it was a greatt two weeks, and I was very happy to see him! :) Sarah and Eric came home on the weekends, which resulted in the whole family being home which resulted into a very happy mother of mine. ;) The last time the whole family was together was Christmas, and it was nice having everyone home again :) He'll be in Iraq for 4 more months..and then he'll come back to Texas, where he's stationed at Fort Hood. Can't wait to see him again! Miss him already. Mi Familia :)
I have never been kidnapped so much in my life! it's only been twice. But that's still more then the zero times I've been kidnapped in my life time..well at least before the last two months :p Miss Paigy Waigy kidnapped me this time...along with Ellers and Jordan (whom I spent the whole weekend calling Taylor haha..but it's ok, cuz at least it's her middle name) Friday after co-op we arrived at her house, after recieving a packing list and arrival time the day before. We took her dog for a walk around her neighborhood...which was really just a ploy to get us all out of the house so they could pack up the van, because at that time we didn't know where we were going, or even if we were just staying at her house all weekend. So we all piled into the van along with Paiges mom, Mrs. Theresa and Tayor..I mean Jordan's mom Mrs. Sue. And set out on our adventure. Still no clue where our destination was going to be. 1 movie, some sleeping and two packages of cookies later we arrived at the Court Yard Marriott Hotel, in Myrtle Beach, SC, only about a half mile away from the ocean. After "freshening up" we went out for dinner in Bare foot landing. The food was reallllyy yummy! After we ate, we walked around to all the little shops and botiques, got some ice cream, and then headed back to the hotel where the ceiling fell on me and then we went swimming/hot tubbing :). haha yes, you heard right. The Ceiling fell on my head! I was in the bathroom getting my bathing suit on when I heard all this cracking and rumbling, when all of a sudden the Big Ceramic light/fan fixture drops skimming my body and shattering on the floor. Oh my goodnes.. it scared the bageebees out of him. So it falls and shatters all of the floor making a huge CRASH. And Paige being the good friend she is just runs into the bathroom going "Oh my goodness! what was that! are you ok?!" And ellie runs in concerned and then laughing with the camera and starts videoing..all while I'm still in a state of shock, and trying to tie my bathig suit so it doesn't fall off. Finally once I realized that I was still alive I slowly made my way out of the bathroom trying not to cut my feet open, and just colaps on the bed laughing. Oh my goodness it was an experience! Mrs. Theresa called the front desk to tell them that the ceiling just fell on one our heads (haha), and they sent up some guy to clean it all up. Then we went swimming and hot tubing. Where the girls where trying to get me to go to the front desk and complain that the celing just fell on my head and that I desereve a Fruit Basket or Somthing! haha...Anyways.. Saturday we went and got Breakfast, went to Wal Mart, and then Subway to pack a lunch. Then we all headed to the Beach. :) Mmm,mmm,mmm,mmm,M. I loveeee me some beach. :) We spent the afternoon swimming and soaking up the sun. After spending a WONDERFUL time at the beach. We headed back to the hotel and got ready to go out for the evening. All of us Kidnapees didn't know where we were going, and Paige was enjoying it a little to much haha. They took us to The Dixie Stampede. and it was a lot if funnnn :) I loved it :) After that we went back to Barefoot landing to walk around and got old time pictures done as Southern Belles :) That was alot of fun! and they came out pretty good! Spent the rest of the night at the hotel talking about bumpits and promdresses. haha.. Sunday morning we got up at 6am (after going to bed at 2am mind you) and went down to the beach to watch the Sunrise. It was G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S! I think the beach at sun rise it one of my new favorite times/places. It was so peacful and quite. mmmm mmmm. :) After acouple hours we went and got breakfast and headed back to the hotel to pack up and get on the road. We were going to go to a nice resturant for lunch but due to Time demands we ended up at Arby's on the way home where we had lunch and a birthday cake for PaigyPoo! :) Once we got back home. We all went to Ellie's house to "Freshen Up" And we all went to a Meredith Andrews/Chris Sligh/Aaron Shust concert to finish off a greattttt weekend. :) HaPpY BiRtHdAy PaIgY WaIgY PuDdInG PiE! :)
My Big brother is coming home from Iraq! only for a two week vacation.... But hey! I'll take it! I haven't seen Alex since this past Christmas! He'll be here in a couple weeks :)Yay! Yay! Whoo! Whoo! I'm excited to see him :)
Well I don't know about you, but I had an Awesome Summer! And now it's over. Back to school. but just to reflect back.........
PROM Ok so prom was in May. But I consider it apart of summer. so there. Prom was a b l a s t. I went with Tabby, Ellie, and Emily, and well we've all got some mad dancing skills :p. It was a lot of fun to get all dressed up and primped (I'm not sure if that's the right wordd) up. We all went over to Emily's house before Prom and got all ready together and ate dinner...then drove to prom where we partied. :)
CAMP Camp was's normal awesome self :)....I CIT'd for only two weeks this summer. And I was a camper for high school week. So 3 weeks we're spent at New Life Camp and it was good. I have so many good friends at camp..and always love renewing our friendships every summer. And this year one of my bestest friends Erica got to come be a camper with me! I am so happy she got to come and experiance camp :) The other CIT's and staff are just amazing too...not to mention some of the campers. Hence the word SUM. I had my rough days at camp with campers, but it no one died. So it's all good ;)
Hannah, Erica and Me! yay :)
Me and another bestyy Emilyyy :)
All the Girl CIT's for Early Week. This was an Amazing group :)
CAMPING My family, minus Eric and Alex, plus one of sarah's friends Amy, went camping for a week in the VA mountains. It was a great just relaing weekend. We camp in Natural Bridge, VA... the actuall Natural Bridge was actually just a tourist trap, so the day we were gonna spend there, we spent at Monticello (Thomas Jeffersons house). It was gorgeous! And cool to learn the history and stories that happend there. The week all together consisted of hanging out at the camp ground pool, playing whiffle ball, yahtzee, laying in hammocks reading, adventurous Wal Mart trips, and just relaxing :)
camp site...notice the hammcks :)
Monticello Gardens
Monticello :)
This was basically the possition I was in 75% of the week :) sooo commfyy I want on for me room please.
BEACH We went to Beaufort, NC for a long weekend to celebrate my 16th Birthday thanks to some wonderful friends of ours! And all my closest bestest friends came with us! It was a Fabulous weekend :) The first night consisted of yummy food(compliments of my mommy :), lip synching and dance parties into all hours of the night. you can see the slightly embarrasing yet hilarious video from that night on my moms blog. The rest of the weekend consisted of going to the beach, watching movies, sitting out on the dock behind the beach house, we all went and got henna tattoos, pictures, laughter, food, of and ellie through my luggage in a boat. The Gals...Emily, Ellie, Erica, Me, and Morgan
yesssss, tan!
me, emily and J's awesome "drop" castle
:) :) :) :) :)
one of my favorites haha :)
Massachusetts We went on our annual MA trip to vist relatives. This year we could only go up for a week. But it was a very good week :) visted with relatives, hung out and the cafe, went to Boston for the day with cousins, went to a drive in Movie, out to dinner with more relatives, pooool, and celebrated my grandparents 50th Wedding Anniversery.
Boston..busy, busy, busy
Grammy and Grandpa :)
Uncle Paul, Jason, and Dad....haha J didn't even know he had an uncle paul...
"the crew" around boston
touring the boston harbor.
Kidnapped to the Biltmore
I was kidnapped. so was my mom. so was Erica and her mom. so was Paige and her mom. We were all kidnapped by the same crazy woman Ellie and her mom. haha So Ellie kidnapped us all for a weekend. They were kind enough to drop off packing lists the night before....with just a few items. no info. just to be ready in the morning. So I had just finished packing my little (well maybe not so little) suit case when all of a sudden crazy woman Ellie is banging on my back door lookin like a ninja wanna be yelling for me and mom to get in the car.Of course my first thought was "umm I don't think so, I'm no going any where with you crazy person" haha but after a couple min of getting over the shock of kung fu ellie banging on the door I complied and got in the car with the other victoms haha. They took us on the 4 hour drive to Ashville, NC (dread lock capital of the world haha) and we spent the weekend at the Biltmore Estate! It was sooooooo so so so so much fun! once we got there we went out to eat at this SUPER DUPER YUMMY Thai resturant (who's owner is a friend of the mestases) and then we spent all day Saturady and Sunday morning at the Biltmore...and then drove back home Sunday night. The whole weekend was a BLAST. and remind me to tell the squeege story sometime :)
There was this Gorgeousss sunflower field at the Biltmore...
me and my mommyyy! :)
ninja wanna be....
Thai Resturant
haha I love this one.
SCHOOL no school wasn't apart of this summer. but's it's started. But we're not gonna talk about that. cuz we don't want to ruin this post about about all the happy things! :)
My sister Sarah has been in Ethiopia for the last month working at a school called, Kechene, the kids are all either orphans living with relatives in the community, from destitute families, or from families whose parents are HIV/AIDS positive. But I am MAJOR jealous. I want to go to Ethiopia and work in the orphanages so bad. Can't wait till God reveals and provides his plan for my life. For now all I can do is hope and Pray. :) Anyways, you can read all about Sarah's trip on her BLOG, she has been posting journal entries from each day. She comes home on Wednesday! I can't wait to see her and see all the pictures, and hear all her stories. I did end up getting a call from camp to CIT, so I'll be there when she gets home :(, but I'll get to see her on Friday. :)
My bed room is a wreck. And not just like a little messy. It looks like a bomb went off in a storage unit. and then a bed and a bunch of pillows were thrown in the corner. You would think that the cause for this would just be laziness. I mean there might be like a 5% laziness factor in there some where but that's not what we're focusing on right now,what we're focusing on right now is the other 95% :) 75% is because it's summer time, and summer mean that Sarah is home from College. With allllll her stuff. And I'm tellin' ya, her stuff has like quadrupled in size and quantity since last summer. We've got suitcases, duffel bags, laundry baskets, shelving units, rubber maid drawers and containers, full of stuff allll over the room. not to mention all the clothesss! and most of it I can't even borrow, cuz a majority of it is winter clothes because it's always cold in Boone.(major bummer) I can barely even make it to my closet! haha, it takes a lot of agilty and perservearance to get something out of the closet. And then the other 20% is because I'm always packing or un packing, so I can re pack! I get home from somewhere and there is a day to only a couple days till I have to leave for the next "adventure" So I have bags and stuff laying around and trying to laundry and stuff ...And don't take me wrong I love "traveling" and vacations, and I love having Sarah home. But my room? I don't think it's too happy right now.
so during the school year (especially towards the end) your start getting anxious for summer, for the days by the pool, the family vacations, going to camp, and just a break. Well every year I seem to forget just how "busy" summer can be. So far (since the the beginning of June) I have worked as a CIT at New Life Camp for a week of over night camp, gone to NLC as a camper during high school week, and have had I think 3 sleep overs with friends. This is all with in a little more then three weeks! Well right now I am home for the week, and we are trying to Paint the kitchen and and the cabinets and such. And for those of you who don't know, our kitchen has looked the same basically my whole life (the whole time we've lived in the house), and the wall paper that has been up, in my taste is just, well plain ugly. Two words to describe it: Pineapple and Alphabet. I'll just leave it at that and let you guys imagine the rest, haha. So I am VERY happy that we are finally redoing the walls and such. So the last two days I've been washing and scrubbing the cabinets getting them ready to prime and paint. Hoping to have them painted be the end of the week?~maybe it's wishful thinking, but I think we can do it! :) The walls will come next after the cabinets are done. I'll post before and After pictures so you can all see the glorious transformation! :)
Anyways, enough about our kitchen. Back to summer. So like I said, this week I'm home, and then next week I might be CITing at NLC again, I'll find out tomorrow for sure, ~the call the CIT's the Wednesday before the week they want you to work ~ So hopefully CITing at camp next week, and then two day after I would get back from camp, our Family is going camping for a week. Where? we haven't decided yet, everyone wants to go somewhere different (I don't really care, as long as it's not Boone because we go camping there during the school year) all we know is that we're going camping, and then when we get back from camping, two days later is my birthday parttyy :) I'm not doing anything big for my Sweet 16, just a park day with a bunch of friends, we're gonna play capture the flag, sardines, flag football, basically what ever we feel like, and are just gonna hang out and have a good time. Pray for good weather please!!
Then a couple days after my party we are going to the beach for a long weekend for my birthday!! I'm soooooooo exciteddd! Some friends of ours graciously are letting us stay at their beach house. So the whole family is coming, plus Eric's girl friend, plus four of my friends. So we're gonna have 11 there. I CAN NOT WAIT. I have been looking forward to this weekend for months! and it's finally weeks away!!ahhhh! :) :) :)
Thennn after the beach we're home for a couple of days and then we are all going to MA for our annual summer trip, to visit all the relatives. I'm excited about that trip too. MA is always fun, and this year Sarah gets to come, cuz years past she's had to work. So that week should be fun. Oh and did I mention that as soon as I get back from MA, volleyball will be in full swing? I didn't? well, when I get back, volleyball season will be in full swing.
So I sit here laughing at my self that only a month ago I thought this was actually gonna be a relaxing, peaceful summer. HA! man I got that wrong. But it's all good, cuz all the stuff that is taking up my few weeks of summer I lOVE, and it's all the stuff that we don't have time for during the school year to do. And this summer is sooooo much better than what I imagined at the end of the school year. And don't worry I'm still getting my pool days in, even with the crazy schedule ;)
I don't think I can say it enough...I hate allergies!!! They havn't been bothering me until today. And boy, did I forget how much allergies are a pain! A box of tissues are new best friend :) The weather is gorgeous this time of the year! but could do with out the coating of yellow everywhere. haha I washed alexs car a couple days ago and after I was done washing it I went inside to get a towel...and by the time I came back out the car was covered in more pollen then it was before I washed it!! That is just wrongg....
OH!! Today is Alex's 24th Birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX!!! We've been able to talk to him 3-4 times through Skype (a web cam!) and have emailed back and forth a little. He said his days are pretty muched packed and he doesn't really have that much time for the computer, which I mean is understandable. But we have sent him two packages, and a a lot of our friends have sent him letters and packages. He said that receiving the packages and letters are bright spots in his day :) I sent him his second letter from me 2 days ago. It only takes about two weeks or so to get there.
Last night I went to Coach Kyles church with Erica to play basketball. They have pick up games every Tuesday night for teens and grown ups. Phew, I haven't really played b-ball for a couple weeks, but it only took me seconds to get in the grove again :) It was fun! haha Erica and I were always on the same team, and we lost all the games we played, oh well it was fun though! After that I spent the night over at Ericas house, and then we went to Geometry this morning. It was fun! the sleep over part that is...not the geometry part...yuck.
Summer is almost here!!! I can see it, and I just can't grasp on to it yet!! :( It's getting harder and harder to concentrate on school and stuff, when all you can think about is the summer coming up, and all your plans! a few more weeks and I'm free! well mostly free....I'll be doing Algebra through the summer (long story haha) but other then that freedom. This summer hold some exciting things! My sweet 16, I get my license, going to camp, going to MA for a couple weeks, and just hanging with my friends and family making memories that will last for ever! :D
I can't even begin to express how blessed I am to have the friends that God has placed in my life. I love them to death!
I've known Ellie aka "Ellers" since I was like 2, and we are still best friends, and I hope that never changes. She's hilarious, caring, has an enormous heart for orphans, and can always make me laugh. I think I spend more time at her house then I think I do at mine!:) haha you know your friends when you have no problem just walking in to their kitchen, open the fridge and get your self something to eat haha....I don't know what I would do with out ellie! she's my other half hahah...
Emily, I'm pretty sure she's been at every single one of my birthday parties since we were like 5 :) She is super sweet, shy, caring, and Smart. I know I can always call her when I need help with any kind of school work!haha and we have had MANY good times together in class, just hanging, and at New life camp during the summer! A lot of my childhood memories have Emily and Ellie in it. They just make me memories even more better!!
Erica aka Erkle...oh man where can I begin with this girl..haha...I only just met her two years ago at Lighthouse basketball tryouts. She was trying out and I was working the registration table. I wasn't gonna play, but then when the team needed another girl to have a full roster, I volunteered. And boy an I happy I did!!! But I've gotten to know erica really well this past year. We were on the same team again this past year (we were the only returning Jv players) and we were in Geometry class together. I spent around 5-6 days a week with Erkle between class, basketball games and practices and just hanging out, and we never got sick of each other! haha...but now that basketball season is over, that only leaves one scheduled time..Geometry...but that's ok cuz it just forces us to get together more often for fun!:) Erica is super crazy, hilarious, caring, and can always make me laugh!
Me and Morgans aka Mo Mo story is kind of funny. I've know Morgan for a couple years. We were in choir together, and our brothers were on the same baseball team together. But I had no clue at the time that she would be come one of my bestest friends! I hadn't seen her in a while, but then me, ellie, and morgan were volunteers at a Steven Curtis Chapman concert, and that was the start of an awesome friendship! Mo Mo lives like 45 minutes away, so we can't get together as much as we would like, but when we do it's a BLAST. Mo Mo is superr funny, nice, loving, crazy, has a great sense of stylee, and I know when I have a crummy day I can always call mo mo and she'll make it all better! haha.
I am soooooo blessed that God has put these ladies in my life. We have the absolute greatest times!! and have gone through so much together! They are my bestest friends in the whole wide world, and I love each and every one of them to death. I don't know what I would do with out any one of them!!
Me and Ellers
gangsta Erkle and ellers haha
Mo Mo, Erkle, Ellie and I....Love themmmmm
Me and Mo Mo...:)
ellie is just a little shorter then erica haha
Emily and Ellie.....FABULOUS
Me and Erkle...haha the ceiling was kinda low
moveis with Morgan!
YAY! :) MoMo, Ellers, Manda
Me, Morgan, Ellie and Morgans adorable little sister Amber :)
Here is a little adventure we all went on during a basketball tournament...they all came to watch me and erica and then they all slept over at my house! :)