Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Allergies shall be the death of me....

I don't think I can say it enough...I hate allergies!!! They havn't been bothering me until today. And boy, did I forget how much allergies are a pain! A box of tissues are new best friend :) The weather is gorgeous this time of the year! but could do with out the coating of yellow everywhere. haha I washed alexs car a couple days ago and after I was done washing it I went inside to get a towel...and by the time I came back out the car was covered in more pollen then it was before I washed it!! That is just wrongg....

OH!! Today is Alex's 24th Birthday!!
We've been able to talk to him 3-4 times through Skype (a web cam!) and have emailed back and forth a little. He said his days are pretty muched packed and he doesn't really have that much time for the computer, which I mean is understandable. But we have sent him two packages, and a a lot of our friends have sent him letters and packages. He said that receiving the packages and letters are bright spots in his day :) I sent him his second letter from me 2 days ago. It only takes about two weeks or so to get there.

Last night I went to Coach Kyles church with Erica to play basketball. They have pick up games every Tuesday night for teens and grown ups. Phew, I haven't really played b-ball for a couple weeks, but it only took me seconds to get in the grove again :) It was fun! haha Erica and I were always on the same team, and we lost all the games we played, oh well it was fun though! After that I spent the night over at Ericas house, and then we went to Geometry this morning. It was fun! the sleep over part that is...not the geometry part...yuck.

Summer is almost here!!! I can see it, and I just can't grasp on to it yet!! :(
It's getting harder and harder to concentrate on school and stuff, when all you can think about is the summer coming up, and all your plans! a few more weeks and I'm free! well mostly free....I'll be doing Algebra through the summer (long story haha) but other then that freedom. This summer hold some exciting things! My sweet 16, I get my license, going to camp, going to MA for a couple weeks, and just hanging with my friends and family making memories that will last for ever! :D

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