10 things that have made my lil ol heart happy lately :)
1) The weather, I can't get over how good it feels! wonderful wonderful wonderful.
2) 6 days til the
Liberty Tourny! Oh I'm so excited! so many memories from last year..late night Ben and Jerry's run, sitting in the hotel hallways at night, playing amazing as team, Starbucks, the Magic Ziti, notes on soap bars, hiding jerseys, blasting music, red rover red rover...Oh I can't wait to see what this year brings :)
3) Erica informed me that we leave in 14 days for our trip up north! whoo whoo New York City here we comeee!
4) I was having a not so happy weekend, but ellie made it all better, when she wrote me a song...that's what friends are for :)
5) Our trip to the park was spectacular, and I can't wait for our next one!
6) I finished two drawings in art class today, and both of them make my quite happy. I shall post pictures later
7) a lint roller. yes, a lint roller. Our dog, ranger has long white hair, and a lottt of it. He's shedding like crazzyy which results in looking down at your self, and finding that you look like your clothes are growing their own nice coat of dog hair. Thank you lint roller.
8)a clean room. well an almost clean room...definitely showing progress...I've decided my room needs a good clean and decluttering...spring cleaning commence!
9)Prom is in 6 weeks! 6 weeks people! I gots to start lookin for a dress! (www.carolinacapitalhomeschoolprom.webs.com)
10) I babysat this family for the first time a couple nights ago. Two boys, ages 6 and 8. They were so wonderful..we played catch and rode bikes out side, played Lego's and checkers, watched Up while eating Hot chocolate and popcorn, and then they went right up to bed. I also got paid a nice good ol chunk of money for the time I spent there. And the mother reassured me she'd be calling again soon. mmmm... yes please!