The weather is gorgeously DELICIOUS! The beginning of the week a pollen bomb went off somewhere and the town was BURIED in pollen. It was horrible! layers and layers of the yellow dust every where you look! oh, goodness my allergies were killing me. And well it was just not a pleasant experience, and I don't wish to repeat it. Next time is happens..I'm leaving..far far away.. Thankfully God blessed us with glorious rain last night, and it has all washed away! Now it is perrrrfect out side. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful weather, sunglasses, and books! :)
I have a feeling this is going to be a spectacular weekend!
1 comment:
Now this pollen thing....if you plan it correctly, you could spend 2 weeks with us while NC 'enjoys' ths pollen, then return home when we get it. You are just about 2 weeks ahead of us every year. How's that plan????
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