Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snowman Fail.

One minute snows your friend...the next minute, not so much.
We got the snow the weather man was talking about. 5 inches of it. Now to anyone who's from the north, you might think it's that much. But let me tell you, here in my good ol' town in NC, it might as well have been 2 feet. Schools were still closed 5 days after the snow fall, roads were a wreck, and it was just plain freeeezing out side. I loved the snow the first two days, and after that I was so ready for it to go away and summer to come. I didn't leave the house for 6 days, it was like a mini vacation with school and chores. Everything was cancelled, and dad didn't go to work. It was nice, but now I'm ready for no more snow.
Jason and I made our first snow man ever! It was fun. well most of it was fun. We had the bright idea of rolling the bottom of it down the hill to pick up more snow..and then...well I'll let the video do the talking. haha...

1 comment:

Emily said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That kind of looked like us building a snow man but we were trying to lift it :-)