Monday, January 4, 2010

2009..I liked you :)

Highlights of 2009

(not in timely order :)

- My basketball team became East Regional and then State Champions!-
- While Shakespeare Slept-
-Alex left of Iraq...not exactly a highlight-
-Many thrangsta sleep overs-
-Liberty Tournament -
-Sweet 16!-
-Beaufort Birthday weekend!-
- Kidnapped to the Biltmore-
-3 weeks @ New Life Camp-
-Family camping trip to Natural Bridge, VA-
- Visiting family in Massachusetts-
-Started Junior Year!-
-Awesome volleyball season..2nd in state babyy-
-Kidnapped to Myrtle Beach-
-Powder Puff Bowl-
-Alex came home for two weeks!! :) -
-First Prom-
- NC State Fair-
-Driver License!!-
Oh goodness and so much more, but these are the ones coming to my brain right now :)

Looking Forward to 2010!
*Senior Year!...yikesss*
*Liberty Tourny*
*The best prom everr*
*Alex comes home!*
*New York Cityyy*
*gotta get a job...whoop whoop*
*UGANDA..lord willing*
*last volleyball season :(*
*last basketball season :( :(*
*after 9 license!*
It's a year of firsts and lasts...happy and sad. But Oh boy, I'm excited to see what God's going to do this year! :)


1 comment:

Beth said...

awwww.... I like the mosaic... and you have had a terrificly awesome year of fun... so how about we crack down and get serious now. :-) or at least a little bit????