Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hectic Weekend!

Who ever said that weekends are supposed to be your "days off" and are supposed to be relaxing.....well, they must not have lives!! Friday, mom, me, and Jason had TOG all morning, then that afternoon me, dad, and Eric headed down to Fayettville (1 1/2 hours away) for the Varsityboys basketball game, which they won but only by the skin on threre teeth! we didn't get home till mid night.
Saturday, Mom woke me up around 10am this morning and me, her, and Sarah went to Kohls for a hour or two and hit all the sale racks, I got a really pretty skirt for 4$- the when real price was $44!! I love 90% off stuff! :-) I also got a red shirt for $1.40 - real price being $14! and I got a really cute white cardigin sweater for $9 instead of $20! so we spent $14 on this stuff insead of $78.00. Pretty cool, huh? Sarah actually got the same skirt as me because we both liked it so much, at least she's at school three hours away so we won't be seeing each other :-), now we just have to make sure we don't wear them the same day when she is home! After Kohls mom droped me off at the gym on the way home for my basketball practice from 1:30-3:30pm. But we had to leave at 2:30 to go home and get ready to have family pictures taken. We havn't had professional family picures taken in like 5 years, and mom wanted to get new ones done before Alex leaves. So we went down to the Seminary where Ellies' older sister, Melissa took picures of us- whole family, just the guys, just the girls, mom&dad, just the kids, individuals of all the kids. It was alot of fun! The whole family went out to dinner...which was an experiance:-) First we drove over to the Texas Road House, there were way to many people there so we didn't even bother going in, so then we headed down to Raleigh to go to Carrabba's (A nice Italian Resturant) but it was an hour and half wait and we were hungry so left that, and came back, and stopped at a little resturant called Armadillo Grill but it was more like a deli kind of place. So we finaly drove over to NC Ale House and at there. I had a chicken sandwich and it wasn't that bad! )I have picures but blogger won't let me put them up!)
This was Alexs' last weekend home, he leaves this Saturday for Army training. First he'll got to Maryland for basic training, then he'll go to Georgia for Ordnance training(I think), And then he'll be stationed in Texas at Fort Hood. He is active duty for 4 years and then he not sure what he's gonna do.
Sunday, We skipped Sunday school and slept in an extra hour then got up and went to service. Did some errands in the afternoon, and Sarah went back to school. Then we went to a super bowl party at on of our friends house. I'm deffinitly not a football person so half the time I had no idea what was going on!lol I think the Giants won...... but I don't really care:-)

1 comment:

GrammaJelly said...

WOW~What a busy week! Sounds like lots of fun the whole week. Be sure to send me Alex's address...and e-mail address. I'm sure he'll want mail and treats. Lots of love, Gram