After much contemplating we ended up at Red Robin for dinner, where my friends were so nice enough to inform the staff, we were celebrating my birthday, so I got a lovely song .....and a free Ice cream no complaining on this end.
After dinner, we went over to the Red Bowl Asian Bistro down the street to see Morgans brother, Bobby, and some friends for a few minutes...and then hit the Dollar Tree which was oh so conveniently right next door....:) SIDE NOTE: For those of you who don't friends and I are known for pulling what we like to call "Shenanigans" and refer to ourselves as the Shenaniganistas when these things occur...and we get some of our best ideas at the Dollar Tree :) Sooo...after picking up some new "material", we headed back to the Bistros parking lot. Victim = Bobby's car.
We poured a bag of frozen peas all over his car, tied a red robin balloon on his antenna and wrote on his back window " haha we pead on your car." haha. They thought it pretty hilarious once the victims car was found out.
After shenanigan stop #1 and a successful hunt for a chocolate croissant at Panera, we headed back home to regroup before our next adventure for the night.
Now one of the very few rules the shenanaginistas follow would be a uniform....and that uniform consists of anything crazy, tacky, and hilarious...and you have to have some scarf/hat on your head. It's a rule.So after getting in our "uniforms" we headed to the new Krispy Kreme that just opened down the street while we waited for our new bag of frozen peas to dethaw. (where we normafied ourselfs before going in, so not to scare anyonee. haha ) dozen donuts please. ;)
After our KK stop we head to the next victim = Thomas's truck. (a friend of ours) Let me tell you. Thomas's yard is the creepiest of all creepiness in the middle of the night. There are like no lights anywhere, and his house is further back in the woods. So. We sat in front of his house slightly freaking out about how we might die haha. After finally regrouping, and realizing he moved his truck to wear the motion censored light pick up, we successfully poured a bag of frozen peas into the bed of his truck. Once we left the crime scene we left him a nice little voice mail telling him "we pead in his bed" which he hilariously got while getting into bed later that night...causing a slight freak out.,haaa.
The rest of the night was full of dance parties, story telling, face book chatting, german, and sumo wrestling...haha;p
The next morning we realized that it was "Cow Appreciation Day" at Chick Fil A! Dress up like a cow and get a free meal....awesomenesss. So we pulled together some quick cow outfits, and headed over to Chic Fil A for some free lunch. We were totally the cutest cows in the place.
I love my silly friends. ;)