Thursday, November 27, 2008


So I think I officially get an F for FAIL at this whole blogging thing... twice a month is kinda sad on my part. sorry. Ok lets get caught up here....
Basketball is going good. My team has only had one game so far, and we lost by like 10 points, but it was a really good game and we played good. We run, run, run, OH! and run some more at practices. We got a new coach this year, wayyyy better then last years coach is so many ways. This coach is really whipping us into shape, and we have already learned a lot, even those of us who have played for a couple years. It's been a pretty good season so far.
School is going pretty well, still in the process of writing a ten page research paper on "Famous Artists of the Renaissance." My writing got stopped for a little while due to a broken computer. Our house computer went down along with my research! talk about major UGH! that was like two weeks ago, but our new computer finally came today! YAY! I am officially no longer cut of from the world! haha. We had my dad's work lap top at night, but then me and mom were competing for that, and she always won.haha But now we finally have a new computer that works! :)
Sarah and Eric are home from college for Thanksgiving break. Alex comes home tomorrow from Texas! Excited about everyone being home again! Hopefully will be a good weekend. :/ Call me a little kid, but I'm super excited about watching the Thanksgiving day parades! Especially the Macy's Parade! hehe.. spend the morning watching parades on TV, then spend the afternoon eating SUPER yummy food and playing football, and then spend the evening sitting on the couch watching a movie complaining on eating to much. haha ...gotta love Thanksgiving!
Well that was a little bit...I'l try to write more as soon as I can! And see if I can do better then twice and month!



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